Mar 29, 2015
Spring is truly the season of spiritual awakengin and celebration.
Holy week for those of the Christian faith is underway, and the
first night of Passover, the Jewish festival of freedom,
begins Friday evening, just as Good Friday observences
end. The festival of Vaisaki, celebrated by Hindus,
Buddhists and Sikhs is on April 14. Theravada, the New Year
festival for Theravada Buddhists, is celebrated for three days
begining April 4. April 21 begins the Baha'i festival of Ridvan,
and Pagan/Wiccan followers this week commemorate the end of the
Celtic Tree Month Alder and beginning of the Celtic Tree Month of
It’s a blessing when these festivals of many faiths coincide on the calendar, reminding us of the great similarities and wonderful differences that make up these faiths. In order to celebrate this season of spirituality, I offer my annual podcast of jazz with a spiritual strain running though the tunes in Podcast 472 (previous Podcasts can be found for 2014, 2013, 2011, and 2010), including:
ICP Orchestra – “Psalm”
Grachan Moncur III and the Jazz Composers Orchestra – “Angela's Angel”
James Brandon Lewis – “Wading Child in the Motherless Water”
Eugene Marlow’s Heritage Ensemble - “Mah Nishtanah Halaylah Haze (Arrangement)”
Nicola Conte (feat. Melanie Charles) – “Spirit of Nature”
Naomi Shelton & the Gospel Queens – “Thank You, Lord”
Tony Scott – “Prajna-Paramita-Hridaya Sutra (sutra chant)”
Kirk Whalum – “Into My Soul”
Jimmy Greene – “Your Great Name”
Sean Jones - "Lift Ever'y Voice"
Charlie Haden and Hank Jones - "Take My Hand Precious Lord"
Alicia Olatuja – “Amazing Grace”